
An element of persuasion is Reciprocity. This is a social norm of responding to a positive action with another. An example can be seen in marketing. Some companies will offer to provide something for you which entices you to make a purchase from them. Online music streaming companies such as Pandora and Spotify have “free-trails” that usually last about a month. It requires for you to input your credit card information, but is free to cancel at any time. After 30 days the free subscription is over and it begins to charge you for a monthly subscription. Normally people do not notice because they forget to cancel the subscription in the first place and these companies are relatively inexpensive. Places like Victoria’s Secret for example, will give you a large tote with your purchase of $50 or more. Marketing psychology says that customer will most likely be back. They will also give you very generous coupons with your purchase but that is only because it means you will have to come back and spend more. I believe that reciprocity is a technique used in marketing very commonly and has proven to be efficient at serving its purpose. Reciprocity is a psychological technique used on the consumer.

 The consumer does not seem to mind.

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